Lockdown Australia: Pandemic of Madness
By Dave Ives
Independently Published
Published: October 8, 2024
ISBN: 9798343602227
Genre: Memoir, Non-fiction Narrative
During COVID, the land ‘down under’ transformed into the land of the ‘lockdown.’
In his book, ‘Lockdown Australia’, Dave Ives gives an on-the-ground, eyewitness account of the madness that took place in Australia during COVID.
‘Lockdown Australia’ is a must read for anyone interested in finding out how crazy things got in Australia during COVID. Find out how the political overlords, and their eager henchmen – with the intensity of a rugby grand final match – picked up the ‘tyranny football’ and ran for the goal line. They almost made it.
You see, the politicians pulled off an amazing trick, a con – impose tyranny but convince almost everyone that it’s not. How did they do it? Easy, they announced, ‘It’s for the good of the people.’ That clause made it all ‘OK.’
Fortunately, the overlords fumbled the ball, overplayed their hand, and many people are waking up to the reality of the COVID madness. People are talking, sharing their stories, finding out the truth. Dissenting voices abound and we need to listen and learn making sure the ‘con’ is never repeated. Dave Ives is one of those voices.
If Australia falls into the ‘tyranny hole’ again, we may not get out. And the days of ‘She’ll be right mate!’ will be gone – maybe forever.
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